Squirt, Our Official Mascot!

Squirt, Our Official Mascot!

Squirt is our official company mascot! He can be seen at many local events in Livingston, Oakland and Genesee County. Kids and adults both seem to really get a kick out of him, so he will be appearing at many upcoming trade shows, parades, etc. A lot of these events cater mostly to adults. It […]

Buy a Filter or Buy Filtered Water?

Buy a Filter or Buy Filtered Water?

The age old statement that I hear regularly is, “I remember growing up and drinking water right out of the garden hose and I am not dead.” This statement holds true for most people. However, as we have learned in many other situations and we have all said at one point or another is, “If […]

Who, What, When, Where, Why and How?

Who, What, When, Where, Why and How?

Sherlock Holmes mysteries have always been one of my favorite reads and recently I received a set of DVD’s of the newest British television series of Sherlock Holmes. I immediately sat down and watched the whole series in one weekend. Who, What, When, Where, Why and How? The seven major questions every journalist asks when […]

Arsenic – What Is It and What Can I Do About It?

Arsenic - What Is It and What Can I Do About It?

Arsenic has been in the news a lot since the fact the drinking water regulations for Arsenic were changed in 2001. The regulation was lowered from 50 parts per billion to 10 parts per billion. Due to the fact there were instances in which individuals and families were having health-related issues with arsenic levels at […]

Bacteria In My Well Water!

Bacteria In My Well Water!

When drilling a new well it is required by the health department to chlorinate/sanitize the well when it is finished to make sure no harmful bacteria are present, such as Coli-form and E Coli, and the well has a potable water supply. Every well drilling company will sanitize the well when it is completed. The […]

Hard, Rusty, Smelly Water Problems

Hard, Rusty, Smelly Water Problems

All of us have hard water, to one degree or another, whether we live in a home with a private well, community well or city water. The problem is each one of these water supplies has their own particular water quality issues. The water chemistry from a private well supply can vary greatly even during […]

The Challenges and Rewards of Treating Well Water

The Challenges and Rewards of Treating Well Water

Water quality and water chemistry from private wells vary greatly from one region to the next and from one well to another even when they may only be sixty feet apart. Some of the many challenges, as water treatment professionals, we face when treating well water supplies are high iron content, ferric iron, iron bacteria, […]

Private Water Wells and Your Health

Private Water Wells and Your Health

In light of the problem recently with the city of Toledo’s water supply, I thought it might be prudent to address some potential problems that can occur with private wells. Recently we had a customer in Brighton in the process of selling their home. With the potential sale, a home inspection was done and water […]

Angst, Arrhythmia and Troubled Waters!

Angst, Arrhythmia and Troubled Waters!

In a past blog post (Who, What, When, Where, Why and How) we talked about how it takes the right investigator to properly diagnose water problems, find the best solutions to treat the water, provide the customer the quality of water they are expecting and have a permanent solution to their water problem. We have […]

Water and Our Health, What’s In Our Water?

Water and Our Health, What’s In Our Water?

An Analysis of City Water and Community Water Supplies In this series of Blogs we will be discussing water quality for city and community water supplies in southeast Michigan, particularly in Livingston, Washtenaw, Oakland and Genesee counties. From city water to community water supplies all have their own water quality issues, concerns and methods to […]